Things are about to get watery. The waters are calling you forth. Ready to flood its way through you. What do you need to release right now? Is it physical, mental, emotional, energetic… Will you feel it? Will you allow yourself to give yourself a safe space to let go fully? Get into your home space. Clean the walls, clean the corners. The drawers, the books, the shelves, the pantry. Wash it with water. Bring the water element into your home. Listen to the rain. When it rains, give yourself a rain bath.
Take a cleansing shower and bath. Go to the beach. Watch the crabs. Retreat into your safe environment. It is okay to hermit right now as you process this major change and deep transformation. This is an opportunity for a a purge. The Great Release. What do you need to dig in to so that it may come out? Is something firing up in you? Will you let it burn down? Put out that fire with your waters. Release your sacral energy. Allow yourself to birth.
Flush yourselves with what you already are. Water. Your own waters. Washing through you. Renewing. Cleansing. Transforming. You are your own Baptist. The Greatest of all Time. The GOAT. As we wrap up Capricorn season and head into Aquarius. We retreat like the crab, and return the water bearer. Here she comes. Let her beckon you forth. Just let go.
Her. (Moon)
full cancer moon
aquarius sun
Bria Jaime