Here we are. The Virgo full moon. I remember this one last year. Again doing the same thing, in the same organizing, grounding new habits, cleaning mode. Maybe it's because my rising sign is Virgo and I understand this more and get more into it each year I see the growth. The maiden sign. The one that makes me take a lot of action. That's what Virgo teaches me. Embodied action. Grounding. Earth mother. Mama Gaia. Back to our roots. How to be the Proverbs 31 woman. That's who I imagine. That's what I picture.
The Pisces Virgo combination is like all about living out your dreams. Writing down your goals. Actually creating the fantasy. Your inner self is bursting with creativity with readiness to set forth and do the thing. It's so cool. It's like time to take advantage of this new grounded energy. And the fact that its at the end of February it's the second month into the new year. We are ready to take new years intentions steps. And handle our emotions with grace and ease. Our strength comes through the flowing water. The current, the moon and her tides. The Queen of Cups. Ready to take on any challenge. Ready to embrace everything.
This full moon I am taking grounded action on the goals I have set for myself. My intentions. I am doing the habits and moving from being so in my head, to getting into body and taking the little steps in those goals. Baby steps. They really are small but I'm trusting they make a huge difference. It does pay off whether you see it right away or several weeks from now. My 5 minutes of breathwork daily, cleaning the kitchen every night, starting my pregnancy tea to drink daily, minimum 30 minutes of dance and movement, singing one song a day and doing 3 vocal exercises daily including throat chakra toning and chants, my "morning pages", pelvic floor exercises, and ozone teeth cleaning nightly. These are some of the daily habits I'm setting out, fine tuning and making sure happen daily instead of skipping days here and there. Making long lasting results.
This full moon, I'm ready to be a better wife, mother, teacher. Friend, lover, artist. To create every single day, to allow for flexibility and flow. I let go of laziness and endless thoughts and planning without action. I become the well maiden, the proverbs 31 woman, and Mama Gaia. The Queen of Cups.
What do you choose to be this full moon? What is it highlighting for you tonight? Take some time to close your eyes and meditate, turn within and listen to your breath. What is your soul calling you to do? Write it down. And take action tomorrow.
Lots of love and light,
February 24, 2024