DanceYoga SoulFusion
By Bria Jaime
An introspective dance and yoga practice in the akashic realm intended to create energy and balance in the mind, body and spirit.
About DanceYoga Soul Fusion
I created this practice a few months postpartum of having my first baby when I realized how much I needed to get back into my body and develop a whole new relationship and respect with it. Now I'm on a whole new level of strength, peace, and power a year later. DanceYoga Soul Fusion is an intuitive and introspective dance and yoga movement practice done mainly with your eyes closed, to drop in and feel into your body as you groove and flow to rhythmic zen beats and inspiration. Listen and move as I guide you into addressing certain areas of your bodies and realigning your chakras. It's like that dance warmup practice that wakens up your inner goddess, your shakti, and prana (life force energy), generating heat in the body. Tapping into your divine feminine essence. This is an akashic dance flow in the quantum field, in the realm that offers somatic healing, energetic flow, a balanced chi and regulated, softened nervous system. An instant soul reboot. Your body and soul will thank you. Give this gift to your self.