It’s time to rest. To deeply rest in the void that is now. The bear is truly in its hibernation at this time resting and preparing for Spring that is heading our way. Sinking now into the heart of this stillness. The urge to get up and go go go might be strong. But the more you honor this great Winter Spirit the more bountiful you will become with fresh energy and renewed clarity come Spring. Take time to reflect and lie in stillness. Write. Cleanse. Bathe. Renew. Your creations are about to birth soon.
Truly slow down. Honor your womb space. Offer your fresh blood to the Great Mother. Earth. To Her that holds you and always supports you. Cleanse your body, your mind, your Spirit. Honor all that you’ve done this last cycle. Embody your cyclic nature and tune in to your own rhythmic frequencies. Bathe in the forests, Nature. Feel fresh Snow. This is the time to sit and be with the deep void. Many inspirations and visions may be coming to you now. Hold them and develop plans to take action soon Analyze.
Allow for change and purge what you no longer have space for. In your body, in your mind, in your environment, in your relationships. Stay hydrated. Bathe in the rain when she comes. The Water Bearer has arrived. Aquarius. Where air and water meet. Will you stand your own storms?
Her. (Moon)
new aquarius moon
aquarius sun
Bria Jaime