I’ve recently been super into taking vitamins and supplements. Growing up my mom always had a cabinet full of vitamins and so I always had a pretty good regimen. Always a multi vitamin, omegas and probiotic. I fell off the vitamin thing for about a year, and have experimented with many things and as I do this blogging journey I want to share and update which ones I use and why! My main concern lately has been stress relieving, hormone balancing, and pain relief. The natural way!!! I’m not a fan of western medicine although when it’s needed it’s needed but I like to live my life as holistic, eastern/Chinese medicine/Ayurvedic as possible. I truly believe in all of the benefits and it’s a much better way than putting harsh chemicals in your body. Here’s a list of what I’m taking at the moment since beginning of January 2019, the benefits, and a link for you to find :) I know it may seem like a lot but I wanted to try what I’ve heard would work and so far I’ve been feeling a lot less moodier and my stress levels are lower. I do still want to find what I can use for my pain on top of the Devils Claw and Formula 303, but in this area I may just need something stronger. Check out my youtube video on this for how I take them and so you can see. Make sure to like, comment, and subscribe!!! https://youtu.be/R6azCbjuQQ4
ASHWAGANDA- I heard about taking this from a good friend who works in the vitamins department at Sprouts. It’s an old medicinal herb, an adaptogen that helps relieve the body of stress, anxiety, depression, lower blood sugar levels and cortisol, has anti-cancer properties, reduces inflammation and lowers cholesterol these are just among the many things it’s good for. Even my acupuncturist said this was one of the best things I could take for all of my symptoms I take this one twice a day one in the morning and at night.
RHODIOLA- This is so good for increasing energy, a lot like Ashwaganda. I read about taking this also to help balance out hormones. I take 1 in the morning and 1 at night.
MELATONIN- I don’t take this all the time maybe a few nights a week, either in pill or gummy form my favorites are these from: I also like and what I show in the video my favorite EVER perfect wind down before bed is the Apothe-Cherry concentrate which is made of high ORAC tart cherries it helps produce melatonin, which is your bodies natural sleep responder, prepare your body for sleep AND detox the body and it’s also the perfect little nighttime cocktail sin alcohol :) I eyeball it but I’ll put about 1oz to 8 oz water and sip as I’m getting ready for bed :)
My favorite gummies: https://www.amazon.com/Nature-Made-Melatonin-Adult-Gummies/dp/B071WV345T/ref=sr_1_9?keywords=melatonin+gummies&qid=1552353150&s=hpc&sr=1-9
Apothe-Cherry: Get $50 off your first order using my code "oliveathena" https://ishoppurium.com/products/apothe-cherry-16oz
OMEGA 3 (Fish Oil)- I totally notice a difference with my mental clarity if I don’t take omegas or any type of fish oil. Normally I’ll take 3 a day.
DEVILS CLAW- My mom recommended this herb to me because of all of my back pain and inflammation I’ve been experiencing as a natural remedy. It really is amazing for a lot of symptoms I’ve experienced such as heartburn, muscle pain, fibromyalgia, headaches, and kidney/bladder infections! I take one in the morning and one at night. The one I take now isn't available anymore but this one seems close enough to it! https://www.ebay.com/i/261746201448?chn=ps
KAVA- This is the “anti-anxiety” vitamin and just helps so much with overall mood, withdrawal symptoms, fatigue, cold, cancer prevention, increasing libido, healing UTI’s… and so so much more. I take just 1 at night. I take this one for everything it’s good for :) Mainly the hormone balancing and mood.
PROBIOTIC- I can’t stress how important this is, gut health is something we so much look over but it soooo affects us. All of the food we eat needs to be digested correctly and for me, I had acid reflex at 3 years old and have been battling it ever since some months worst than others but the more I take a probiotic the less I have the problem and less bloated and food doesn’t hurt my stomach as much. Not only does it help with acid, but it’s all those good bacteria to clean out our system!!! I take 2 usually at lunchtime if I can remember so I don’t take everyday but I would like to and try to! These are the ones I’m taking now they are especially good and made for women if you’ve just had a yeast infection or UTI gets your body back on track really fast!
Get $10 off with my link! http://rwrd.io/8dq94k6
MULTIVITAMIN- I like to just take a regular woman’s multi vitamin to make sure I’m getting all those important combination of vitamins us ladies need these are the ones I’m taking right now: I just take 2 in the morning.
CLA (conjugated lineolic acid)- Its my favorite weight loss “pill” lowers cortisol so much and trim belly fat. I heard about taking this from a book called Better In 7 for the flatter tummy in 7 diet. I don’t take this all the time I’ll usually take for a month or 2 and stop for a while but it definitely curbs an appetite and less bloating! I would take 3 in the morning.
5HTP-When I heard about this vitamin I was like OMG I need to be taking this! It boosts Serotonin naturally which will aid in better sleep, cure depression, anxiety, and overall well being by balancing out the chemicals in the brain. I take one at night for all of the reasons I’ve stated it’s good for haha.
CALCIUM D-Glucarate- This was another thing my mom had sent me an article about and how I absolutely needed this so I really only started taking it because she recommended it. Side note, my mom is a certified nutritionist and trainer and has been studying vitamins and minerals for years so I trust her judgement lol. This is not taking Calcium. This is actually a chemical but Glucarate is actually one that’s in our bodies and we get in a lot of vegetables and it is combined with calcium to make a combination that is great for treating a lot of hormone deficiencies and extremely detoxifying the body. The email and article she sent me sold me on it especially for the hormones and detoxifying.
B-12- Another one my mom was adamant about me taking. Most people will have heard of B-12 shots? Nope not for me! Haha my mom did give me one once and it was so painful I was like I’m sticking to pill form!!! This is such a good daily vitamin to take because it helps so much with energy levels, memory loss, stomach problems and a ton more. I’m taking this for energy. I take 1 a day in the morning.
B COMPLEX- This vitamin is ANOTHER one my mom recommended and it’s just so so so good for so many things. It’s a combination of B vitamins that help treat any vitamin deficiency from a poor diet, illness, and keep in overall good health.
MACA- You can take this in either powder form or pill form. I personally have such a hard time taking anything in a powder form because I don't make a lot of smoothies or juices. I want to! But to take this everyday I need to take it in a vitamin form. This is so good for female hormone imbalance, libido, menstrual problems and more so I take it for those reasons.
FORMULA 303- A natural muscle relaxant and pain reliever. It's instructions are a little difficult so I have been taking 2 at night because it does make you sleepy, I'm still testing how this works so we will see!
Vitamin D3- I started taking this because I was deficient when I got my blood tests back. It's so important if you're vitamin D deficient to take an extra high dose like this one which is 5000iu. My mom told me about it having to be that way and most of us are vitamin D deficient. If you feel low on energy, or mood down, get your blood checked and see if you're low. I'll take this regularly forever most likely just because its the second time I was low. The true way to get Vitamin D, according to Naturopath Michael Wohlfeld who personally emailed me this when I asked about this said "sunshine is still best way to get Vitamin D and important to not wash sun exposed skin with soap for 36 hours so body can convert sun to D3. Only need 15 minutes of sun 3x a week." So go sit outside and get some sun!!! I like this brand because it is with coconut oil for better absorption :)